Hey ARMYs! I’m glad you could come back to read the second part of my South Korean (or BTS, to be more accurate) experience! Thank you for reading and liking my first blog; I hope it kept you on edge, waiting for me to re-lay my other BTS-related adventures in South Korea. In my previous blog, I talked about my top two favorite BTS places: You Never Walk Alone bus stop and Yoojung Sikdang. The bus stop was breathtaking and the restaurant served delicious meals (you can check out my Instagram account for more photos), but the next two places I went to are also equally amazing places. You should definitely check them out - however, expect your wallet to be empty and your voices to be hoarse after visiting.
So what are we waiting for? Presenting the next two BTS places I will feature in this blog: Line Friends Cafe & Store and Lotte World!
Line Friends Cafe & Store

The group I stan more than BTS is BT21 (kidding, I love them both). I love having lots and lots of BT21 merch, especially the Koya range (he’s my BT21 bias if there’s such a thing). Obviously, going to this store is a must. I already knew that I would be leaving the store with less money in my wallet, although, half of my pocket money was solely for BT21 merch anyway. I also knew I was going to cry and jump when I saw the characters.
There was a Line Friends store near our Airbnb, but this store was different from the others in terms of size. While other stores only have two floors, this one had three. What also set this one apart from the rest was the BT21 and Line Friends themed cafe on the third floor, and of course, the huge BT21 figures, including a Van statue with BTS’s signatures. I went into full fangirl mode as I entered the store. Taking photos of their products is not allowed, so instead, I gushed at the plushies (my all-time favorite kind of merch) and the other cute items at the store. This is also where I bought a gift for my sister’s 18th birthday - a huggable Chimmy plushie.
But of course, that’s not the only merchandise I bought. My ARMY friends are very lucky to have me as their friend, as I bought them tumblers, keychains, and notebooks. I also gave in to the BT21 charm myself, as I bought a Koya phone case and a Koya plushie just for myself! (The Koya enthusiast in me took over and spent lots of my cash.) After buying the merchandise, we went to the cafe.

The first thing I noticed was a huge space solely occupied with BT21-related objects. There was a huge screen playing episodes of BT21 Universe, human-sized BT21 statues (look at the photo above for size reference and one Euni crying). The centerpieces of this section were glass boxes of small BT21 figurines. Unlike the previous floors, we were allowed to take photos on the third one, so I took lots and lots with the eight BT21 characters.
Readers, I recommend you to try out the BT21-inspired desserts at the cafe. I craved for something sweet during my shopping spree, so I ate Chimmy’s Caramel Pop Sundae. My cravings and happiness? Satisfied!
Lotte World
Ah, Lotte World. The magical place where BTS filmed RUN episode 51. Since I was young, I’ve always loved amusement parks, so this place brought out the kid in me. However, my cousins and I woke up late (a quarter to noon, to be specific) and because of that catastrophe, we arrived at Lotte World later than planned.

I planned to save the rides BTS tried last. These are The Conquistador (the Viking ship ride), Eureka (the magic boats), and French Revolution (the indoor roller coaster). Here’s a tip for you readers: don’t save it for last, especially if you arrived late. The only BTS- related ride I got to try was the French Revolution. I wasn’t able to try The Conquistador because it was closed when we came. Eureka, on the other hand, closed right after I rode the French Revolution. So yes, never come late and ride these three first! Despite being unable to ride the first two rides I mentioned, I enjoyed riding the French Revolution even though sadly, I rode them alone.
It’s not that my cousins left me alone willingly. In fact, my two cousins and I were supposed to come with me (my cousin-in-law is terrified of extreme rides). But because of the weight restriction, they weren’t able to go on the ride. I was disappointed that I was alone; I mean, who likes riding roller coasters alone? Add the fact that I am between couples and the line was long. I just told myself that hey, at least I get to ride the same roller coaster BTS rode. That very thought cheered me up as I climbed onto the seat and enjoyed every turn.
Yet, the reason why I included Lotte World in my list of favorite BTS spots (and why it earned a special Instagram post) is because of the giant carousel. No, I wasn’t able to ride it; as a matter of fact, it was already closed when we came. But just like BTS, I was able to see its majestic lights. More so, it made me appreciate my cousins more. They patiently waited for me as I rode three extreme rides alone, and supported my BTS shenanigans even though they were not fans. The first few photos they took of me and the carousel were dark, but because they were supportive they found a way to give me light.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any audio & visual content in this video except for the editing. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS. No copyright infringement intended.
Written By Euni
Edited By Caitlin